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Strategic Intelligence Vol:1 No:1

About FRGi

Forensic Research Group, Inc. is entering its 25th year of providing specialized financial investigations, forensic accounting, corporate intelligence and due diligence services to clients worldwide. Today our staff and partners draw on backgrounds in accounting, banking, finance, intelligence, technology, and law enforcement to provide custom solutions to client needs in more than 15 countries.


New Partner

We are proud to announce that we have expanded FRGi by bringing in a new venture partner, with synergistic skills and background, Peter Morris. Morris brings over 25 years of expertise in law, including litigation, as well as business and psychology. He is based in Chicago and has a substantial domestic and international network in addition to FRGi’s considerable and expanding client base.


Recent News

This newsletter, Strategic Intelligence, marks the launch of our latest campaign to keep our clients informed, and sometimes amused, as to the latest developments in corporate intelligence, crisis management and the ever changing global corporate environment. In the last few months FRGi has seen a number of exciting new developments! We recently opened an office in Chicago which will better enable us to service our Mid-West clients. Additionally, we have just launched our redesigned website to better describe the services we offer and have also expanded our staff in the accounting and research areas.


Message From Our CEO

As we enter our 25th year I am grateful to our clients for their continued reliance on our services to aide them in operating in an ever-changing local and global business environment. Due to the nature of our business we don’t always have the opportunity to stay in regular contact with all of our clients and associates so I am pleased to announce the launch of Strategic Intelligence, a newsletter designed to keep you abreast of the latest developments in intelligence, diligence and business crisis management. We plan it to be an informative, sometimes light hearted overview of the matters we are working as well as updates on matters of interest from around the world. We would also invite feedback from our readers so that we can keep up with what matters to our clients and associates. Michael F. O’Shea CEO

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